How To Order San Diego State University Press
and Hyperbole Books Volumes!

The Easiest Way

As far as we aware (and we would love to hear from you if we are wrong), all SDSU Press and Hyperbole Books titles are available from our cyberstore at  Use this link to teleport yourself there in a jiffy!

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Old School Ordering

SDSU Press, and its imprint, Hyperbole Books, fill orders by mail or telephone (619-594-6220). Please specify items wanted, purchase order number as needed, full address, telephone number, and shipping address when different from billing address. Discount Schedule to the Trade: 40% -- do note, that some of our recent titles come with 25-30% discounts owing to the cost of color production.

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All orders from individuals must be prepaid in U.S. funds, either by personal check or money order. For corporations, educational institutions, and libraries, our terms are net 30 days. Please pay when invoiced. 

Shipping rates 

$4 for 1 or 2 items; add $1.00 for each item over 2. Additional charge for oversized or special shipping. All items are sent via USPS media mail unless other shipping means are requested. Invoices will be sent with shipment. For Canadian and other foreign shipments to individuals, add $6.00 for 1 or 2 items, plus $.50 for each item over 2 (these orders are sent via the official SDSU mail services international mailing service provider). Allow six to eight weeks for shipment overseas. Please send International Money Order or check drawn on U.S. bank. We are unable to accept credit-card purchases but you can order now using our Paypal option--write SDSU Press Director, William Nericcio, for these procedures: or All checks sent to us should be made payable to "SDSU Press."
Rush Orders 
Contact us directly. Specify date needed and method of shipment preferred.


Claims for shorts or damage must be made within 45 days of the invoice date.

Returns Policy

Returns should conform to the following guidelines

1. In case of order fulfillment error, we accept returns from all customers; otherwise, returns are accepted only if the conditions below have been met.

2. First, books must be in saleable condition to receive credit. Returns should be packed carefully in stiff cardboard to prevent damage in shipment; books damaged in shipment to us will not be accepted for credit.

3. In case of customer cancellation or overstock, we will accept the return of any item in good condition up to one year from the invoice date for credit at 50% of retail.

4. Claims for credit must cite our credit memo number, not the purchaser's chargeback number.

5. Credits must be used within one year.

6. No refunds will be issued.

7. Invoice numbers are required for all returned books.

All orders and returns should be sent to:

San Diego State University Press
Department of English & Comparative Literature
SDSU | 5500 Campanile Drive 
San Diego, CA 92182-6020

Telephone orders or information:(619) 594-6220

E-mail all ordering queries to:

Dr. William Anthony Nericcio
SDSU Press Director
Professor of English & Comparative Literature